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CFPB Proposes Rule to Ban Medical Debts from Credit Reports

Account Recovery

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau today announced the next step in its plan to prohibit medical debts from being included on consumers’ credit reports, proposing a rule that would remove $49 billion of debts that are currently appearing on those reports.

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A financial setback can happen to any consumer

American Profit Recovery

By Alexis: Let be honest, when we hear “collection agency” we automatically have negative connotations. There is an unspoken stigma surrounding collection agencies and people that have accounts in collections, but what people don’t realize is there are a lot of people that have accounts in collections. Having an account in collections should not be a source of shame.


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Bonding with coworkers during employee week

American Profit Recovery

By Greg: We’re a little less than two weeks away from our Annual Employee Week and I am so looking forward to it. This is a week we all look forward to. It is a chance for the ownership team to show their thanks for all our hard work, and for us all to spend some fun time together in and out of the office. We will be kicking off the week with a picnic on Monday night, an evening of bowling on Tuesday, and a trip to an Escape Room on Wednesday.

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The Impact of Timing Can Maximize Payment Collection

Enterprise Recovery

Timing plays a crucial role in optimizing payment collection strategies. Payment deadlines, reminders and utilizing technology can help increase the likelihood of on-time payments. The basic gist is this - the sooner you can attempt to collect on past-due payments, the more successful you will be. Strategically timing payment collection efforts can enhance the overall collection process and increase the success rate in recovering past-due payments.

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How Collection Agencies Minimize Effort and Maximize Results with the Right Software

Navigating collections in the dynamic financial landscape presents multifaceted challenges. Organizations face pressures to maintain standards alongside software challenges like regulatory adaptations, data integration, security, workflow optimization, and automation. Finding the right software can save time and money. BEAM offers a comprehensive solution with specialized modules to streamline debt collection effortlessly.

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CFPB Proposes to Ban Medical Bills from Credit Reports

Consumer Finance

Today, the CFPB proposed a rule that would remove medical bills from most credit reports, increase privacy protections, help to increase credit scores and loan approvals, and prevent debt collectors from using the credit reporting system to coerce people to pay.

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Judge Partially Grants MSJ for Defendant in FDCPA Case Over Dispute of Multiple Debts

Account Recovery

A District Court judge in Alabama has partially granted a defendant’s motion for summary judgment in a Fair Debt Collection Practices Act case, ruling that an ambiguously worded dispute letter from the plaintiff’s attorneys could have indicated to the defendant that multiple debts were being disputed instead of just one and that the defendant is […]

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A Guide to Polite Follow-Up Techniques

Enterprise Recovery

When reaching out to someone for the first time or following up on a previous message, setting a friendly and positive tone is important. Whether it's a sales email or, in our case, following up about an unpaid invoice, your initial email may dictate how the rest of the transaction will go. Learn how to effectively follow up with others in a polite and professional manner with these subtle techniques.

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CFPB Sues Student Loan Servicer PHEAA for Pursuing Borrowers for Loans Discharged in Bankruptcy

Consumer Finance

The CFPB sued student loan servicer Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency for illegally collecting on student loans that have been discharged in bankruptcy and sending false information about consumers to credit reporting companies.

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Boost Your Credit Score: 8 Helpful Credit Monitoring Apps

Credit Corp

The credit monitoring apps chosen are based on rankings from reputable sites in the financial space. is owned by Holdings, LLC. Oquirrh Mountain Law Group, PC, d/b/a Lexington Law Firm is an independent law firm that uses Holdings, LLC, as a provider of business and administrative services. Your credit score impacts your ability to obtain a credit card, purchase a home, or even rent an apartment.

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From Complexity to Clarity: Strategies for Effective Compliance and Security Measures

Speaker: Erika R. Bales, Esq.

When we talk about “compliance and security," most companies want to ensure that steps are being taken to protect what they value most – people, data, real or personal property, intellectual property, digital assets, or any other number of other things - and it’s more important than ever that safeguards are in place. Let’s step back and focus on the idea that no matter how complicated the compliance and security regime, it should be able to be distilled down to a checklist.

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Daily Digest – June 11. Acquisition Leads to FDCPA Suit Over Communicating With Represented Consumer; Judge Partially Grants MSJ for Defendant in FDCPA Case Over Dispute of Multiple Debts

Account Recovery

Acquisition Leads to FDCPA Suit Over Communicating With Represented Consumer Judge Partially Grants MSJ for Defendant in FDCPA Case Over Dispute of Multiple Debts Essay Questions Whether Fed Can Fund CFPB Bills Introduced in Congress to Hold Student Loan Servicers More Accountable WORTH NOTING: The biggest announcements from yesterday’s Apple event … Apparently, there is […]

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What are the most common myths about debt collectors?

American Profit Recovery

There are countless myths about debt collectors and the debt collection industry as a whole. Debt collections in many circumstances can be a complex situation for both the business trying to recover money and the consumer trying to navigate financial difficulty. If we go back to the nightly news programs of past, many of us remember the segments that only focused on some negative behavior of a chosen few working in the industry.

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The Role of a Credit Manager in Your Business

Enterprise Recovery

Credit managers can help your business by ensuring the smooth functioning of credit operations. They are responsible for assessing the creditworthiness of potential clients and managing credit limits to prevent late payments and minimize financial risks. They also play a vital role in collecting accounts receivable and bad debt. By understanding the role of a credit manager in your business, you can effectively utilize their expertise to optimize cash flow and maintain a healthy financial positi

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CFPB Creates Registry to Detect Corporate Repeat Offenders

Consumer Finance

The CFPB finalized a rule to establish a registry to detect and deter corporate offenders that have broken consumer financial protection laws.

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When It Comes to Collections Software, “Good Enough” Isn’t Good Enough

Are you finding some snags in your collections process? With delinquencies, and the number of consumers looking for payment assistance on the rise, it may be time to consider an efficient cloud-based software to support your team. Learn how MeridianLink® Collect has helped financial institutions like yours streamline collections processes.

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Scottish Man sent to prison after ‘trying’ to collect Business Debt

UK debt collections

A Scottish man who decided to recklessly act as a unlicensed Debt Collector recovering a business debt, has been punished in the courts for his unlawful actions. The man banged on a customers door and shouted threats in the middle of the night over an unpaid business debt. The unpaid business debt is believed to have been owed to the mans employer. Christopher Bett, 34, of Cardenden, appeared for sentencing at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.

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Daily Digest – June 10. Judge Recommends Dismissal of FDCPA Suit Because Debt Was Commercial, Not Personal; Phone Anxiety is Real for Many Individuals: Report

Account Recovery

Judge Recommends Dismissal of FDCPA Suit Because Debt Was Commercial, Not Personal Phone Anxiety is Real for Many Individuals: Report Appeals Court Affirms Dismissal in Fraud Case Over Collection Contract Compliance Digest – June 10 WORTH NOTING: The best Father’s Day deals on gear that dads actually like to use … 10 fake models are […]

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What can I do if I build up debt again after bankruptcy?

Roths Child Law

Debt is easy to acquire. Many people build up debt with credit card purchases, late fees and high interest. Others may have suffered injuries or medical conditions that led to medical debt. One option to get rid of this debt easily when the debtor can not pay it on their own is bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is a process that allows debtors to regain control of their finances, either by discharging eligible debts in a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or via a repayment/restructuring plan through Chapter 13.

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Working at Onguard: Meet Maarten

On Guard

A B2B sales professional tends to stay with a company for 3-5 years on average, before moving on to the next role. What makes someone stick with an organisation for longer? We asked Maarten, who recently completed 30 years in his Onguard journey. You know he is the one passing by your desk because you hear a whistle. He is an early bird, he enjoys asking questions to keep everyone busy, and his main hobby is to “enjoy life” Maarten, Global Account Director at Onguard, has made a val

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10 Ways to Improve Payment Collections with Salesforce

For finance teams using Salesforce’s powerful CRM technology, automation can transform accounts receivable processes, driving efficiency and delivering measurable results like cost savings, reduced customer churn, and lower DSO.

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CFPB Warns Against Deception in Contract Fine Print

Consumer Finance

The CFPB today issued a circular warning against the use of unlawful or unenforceable terms and conditions in contracts for consumer financial products or services.

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Debt Relief Orders hit record numbers

UK debt collections

A record number of Debt Relief Orders (DROs) were taken out in April, as the £90 fee for the insolvency option was scrapped. DROs are available to those on low incomes and clear existing debt on everything from council tax to energy bills and rent. Some 3,436 Debt relief orders were taken out in April – the highest monthly number since they were introduced in 2009, figures from the Insolvency Service , external show.

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Judge Recommends Dismissal of FDCPA Suit Because Debt Was Commercial, Not Personal

Account Recovery

In a case that was defendant by Jacob Bach of Martin Golden Lyons Watts Morgan, a Magistrate Court judge in Texas has recommended the dismissal of a Fair Debt Collection Practices Act case on the grounds that the underlying debt was not personal, but commercial.

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The Whole Truth – Defending Against Claims That a Debtor Failed to Disclose in Bankruptcy Court

Jimerson Firm

The Bankruptcy Code provides debtors with a fresh start or an opportunity to reorganize their debts. In doing so, the Code requires all debtors to provide, under oath, a full disclosure of their assets and liabilities. This requirement promotes fairness to the debtor and its creditors by ensuring a complete and candid disclosure of assets to the trustee and the creditor body.

Debtor 59
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Connect, Care, Convert: Secrets to Establishing Trust with Niche Markets and Turning Them Into Clients

Speaker: Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, The Money Coach®

Niche markets represent a huge opportunity for the financial services industry in America. From college students and women to communities of color and low-to-moderate-income households, niche populations have specialized financial needs – but they often underutilize many valuable financial products and services. How can you better connect with these consumers?

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Transfer Portal: Sharing Files Securely is a Piece of Cake Now

NCBA Law Practice Management Blog

If you’re still sharing files with clients, referral sources and other attorneys, via email attachment – or, heaven forfend: fax! – you need to step up your game. Email is an inherently unsecure technology; so, if you’re sending confidential information via email, you need to secure that information, by encrypting it – at the document level, or at the system level.

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CFPB Launches Inquiry into Junk Fees in Mortgage Closing Costs

Consumer Finance

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today launched a public inquiry into junk fees that are increasing mortgage closing costs.

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Iconic UK Bicycle manufacturer enters liquidation

UK debt collections

An iconic bicycle manufacturer is to enter voluntary liquidation after almost 80 years crafting and designing bicycle frames. Mercian Cycles, based in Derby, launched in 1946 and has continued to create bespoke bikes by hand throughout its history. Its products have been used by cyclists who have set world records and individuals who have undertaken trips around the globe.

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Judge Dismisses FCRA, FDCPA Claims For Failure to State Claim

Account Recovery

A District Court judge in North Carolina has granted a defendant’s motion to dismiss after it was sued for allegedly violating the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, ruling that the plaintiff’s amended complaint did not contain enough information to allege that a violation of either statute had taken place.

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Successful Change Management with Enterprise Risk Management

Speaker: William Hord, Vice President of ERM Services

A well-defined change management process is critical to minimizing the impact that change has on your organization. Leveraging the data that your ERM program already contains is an effective way to help create and manage the overall change management process within your organization. Your ERM program generally assesses and maintains detailed information related to strategy, operations, and the remediation plans needed to mitigate the impact on the organization.