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B&N’s Attorneys Risk Management Announces Ethics CLE Upgrade

B&N’s Attorneys Risk Management practice group is pleased to announce significant upgrades to its delivery of high-quality on-demand ethics CLEs to lawyers insured by participating legal malpractice insurers. In order to improve service delivery and increase value for lawyers, ARM has partnered with TRTCLE. ARM has streamlined the process for accessing ethics CLE presentations and updated the distribution of attendance certificates in all jurisdictions requiring CLE credits. Getting mandatory ethics credit has never been easier for lawyers.

ARM provides ethics and risk management counsel to lawyers to help lawyers prevent avoidable loss and protect their practices. In addition to CLE access, ARM’s website, contains a carefully-selected library of risk management materials, and provides contact with senior ethics and legal malpractice counsel Cassidy Chivers and Noah Fiedler to resolve recurrent problems like conflicts, errors, withdrawal, fee disputes, and the like.

For more information, please contact the ARM program administrator, Linda Schmit.

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