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Charles Jimerson Interviewed by the Miami Herald for Condo Law Expertise for Surfside Condo Collapse Article
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Charles B. Jimerson
Managing Partner

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Charles Jimerson Interviewed by the Miami Herald for Condo Law Expertise for Surfside Condo Collapse Article

July 12, 2021 In The News

Reading Time: 1 minute

On Monday, July 12, 2021, the Miami Herald covered the Surfside condo collapse in their latest news article, “Condos’ reserve funds, delayed repairs under new scrutiny since Surfside tragedy.” Managing partner Charles Jimerson was quoted throughout the piece for his expertise in condominium law by the Miami Herald’s Mary Ellen Klas and Ana Ceballos of the Herald/Times Tallahassee Bureau. Klas is the state Capitol bureau chief for the Miami Herald, and Ceballos is a politics and policy reporter for the Miami Herald. The article received front page coverage in this issue.


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